Matt and I got a call from our case worker Jill in the early afternoon Friday October 8, 2010. She had a situation that she thought we might be interested in. Typically we only get a call about those situations when there is something special going on. And of course this was no different.
Jill told us there was a little boy about 3 weeks old, healthy as can be, but has a family history of dwarfism. Now we are not the tallest people in the world, so we figured it wouldn’t be a big deal. And as we thought about being presented the only thing that kept coming to mind was that there was NO REASON to say no. I emailed Jill to let her know that we were good with everything and to let us know what happened. Neither one of us thought that we would get another call from Jill. Especially on Monday, the day they were presenting us.
But we did get that call from Jill, who told us that we were picked!!! We were amazed at how quickly things seemed to be coming together. The birthparents already had a court date to relinquish parental right set up for Thursday, just 3 days away! At this point we were still scared that something would come up and the match would fall apart again, like the last time. So we decided to play it safe and not say much to anyone about being picked.
But I did take the time on Tuesday to go up to the office to meet the little guy. He was sleeping when I got there. And so I held him as he slept, he loved just being snuggled. When he did finally wake up he wiggled, stretched, and moaned a lot. I gave him a bottle and talked to him. It was very nice. I was able to ask Doug, the head honcho guy, some questions about what to expect. I had a few of my prayers answered during that conversation. And I walked away that evening feeling very confident about everything.
We waited for Thursday. We waited to hear about the court hearing. We waited to hear if the courts accepted the relinquishment of the birth parents rights.
But we didn’t wait long! We were on the final stretch! It was looking like a homerun!!! The courts accepted everything!! Our little guy was free to become part of our family! Since then we’ve been busy with trying to name him (btw, we’re naming him Benjamin Eugene), sign documents, and getting ready for Ben to come home- which should happen in the next couple of days.
Benjamin Eugene
5lbs 11.9oz