Thursday, July 23, 2009

Seize The Skies

Last weekend we went to the annual air show. This year was very exciting. We had the Blue Angels in town! Matt's company was hosting a picnic and we tried to make it but traffic was so backed up around the airport that we turned around and went home. Luckily for us we live close to the airport and so we were able to watch some of the show from the strip mall near our place! Here are some of the pictures of the Blue Angels.

Unfortunately however, most of the cool tricks like loops and low passes were done on the other side of the buildings. So we didn't see a lot of the special Blue Angel show. Next year we'll know better! Matt and I both took our cameras to try to get some awesome shots of the flight action. I think a few came out ok. I like this one of Matt...all the action was behind the buildings and he was anxiously looking for where they might reappear for us! He really loves anything to do with flying!!!

Here is me with my sister who was still in town! It was a little chilly and raining just a bit, so we snuggled up in our picnic blanket that we keep in the car!

This was my first time seeing the Blue Angels and it was awesome!!! Not even the rain could bring down the experience! Next year will be even better, now knowing the absolute best place to park and watch!


Tina said...

What beautiful girls!!! Sounds like fun!

Matt and Courtney said...

Thanks Tina! You're too sweet.

amylynne said...

Courtney, Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog. I hope the adoption process goes well for you. We had an adoption profile at one point, too, and unexpectedly got pregnant (go figure)... but adoption really holds a special place in my heart for sure, and I wouldn't at all be against going down that road again someday. I wish you well in your journey! :)

Clark Family said...

Courtney- I'm jealous that you had visitors as soon as we left.... but I am really glad you finally went on vacation--especially to be with your family! I know you will enjoy fall in Michigan again. Florida is really good but we will miss the golden leaves and apple cider and of course--you. take care