Wednesday, December 9, 2009

It has been many years since my last confession

Ok, so I'm not Catholic...but I do have a confession. 
I am obsessed with our adoption profiles!
I mean it's bordering "stalking" !!!

I can't help myself...

I'm addicted...

I think I may need a 12 step program.

Our newest profile on MyAdoptionProfile shows us how many times we've been viewed.  And it shows us how many times the others have been viewed!  It's so much fun to see how much action our page is getting!  Every day I see the viewed number going up and up and up!   Like today, it went up five points!!!  In the stock market that would mean big money!  LOL...Matt caught me checking it at dinner on my phone.  He says I need help.  I only check it a couple times a day...But with 85 views in less than a week?  How can I not?  I mean that's awesome!  And while it's not a competition, I like to think we're kicking butt!  That people are looking at us.  And that gives me hope that the right young woman or young couple will find us.  That they'll want to know more about us.  And someday we'll be picked to parent one (or two-yes we're open to twins) very special little spirit(s)!  I'm sure that our viewed numbers will eventually start to slow down.  And at that point I'll stop stalking myself.  But right now it's so fanscinating to watch!!!

Adoption is an amazing process!

PS:  To whoever you are, dear birth parent, we're thinking of you!